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afriche e orienti - the books

Ilha de Mocambique: incontro di popoli e culture / convergencia de povos e culturas

(Ilha de Mocambique: Gathering of Peoples and Cultures)

edited by Matteo Angius and Mario Zamponi

In Italian and Portoguese. Published by AIEP Editore, San Marino, Nov. 1999
Euro 10,33

Ilha de Mocambique - Mozambique Island

"A journey to rediscover cultural, social, commercial and artistic relations.

Ilha de Mocambique, as we know it today, is the result of encounters and conflicts: symbol of violence but also cultural and artistic mixture.

This book gives a reflection on history, culture, art, poetry in a place that has been for centuries the meeting point for different peoples and cultures, a place where the different African cultures have met those from Europe and the East"

The publication of the book, in Portuguese with the Italian translation, has been sponsored by

    Comissao Nacional para as Comemoracoes dos Descombrimentos Portogueses, Lisboa

in cooperation with:

  • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Faculdade de Letras, Maputo
  • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Centro de Estudos Africanos, Maputo
  • Arquivo Historico de Mocambique, Maputo
  • ARPAC - Arquivo do Patrimonio Cultural Nacional, Maputo
  • Departamento de Museos, Maputo
  • Associacao dos Amigos da Ilha de Mocambique, Maputo
  • Centro Amilcar Cabral, Bologna

Preface by A.M. Gentili
Articles by A. Rocha, G. Liesegang, J. Capela, E. Medeiros, A. Sopa, N. Saute, L. Apa, J. Forjaz, Y. Houdayer, V. de Lemos, A.M. Loforte e A. Mate.