Official european documents

Websites and useful links which are helpful to know, understand and to be updated on the European Union and its changes and developments.

This website gives free access to European Union law and other official documents about the European Union that are in the public domain

European Commission documents
Database of documents of the European Commission (studies, communications, preparatory documents, COM documents, SEC documents)

European Union Council documents
Public Database of the documents of the European Union Council. These documents are freely available to the public in accordance with the law of the Council. You can consult the complete text on request

Interrogations and statements of the European Parlament
Access to the questions or to the statements that the European Deputies ask to other institutions and European Offices

European Economic and Social Committee documents
Access to the database of the CES Documents that express the opinions of the Economic and Social Committee. These opinions can be expressed automatically or through legislative procedures

Committee of the Regions documents
Direct access to the documents linked to the consultative activity and initiatives of the CdR: opinions, reports and resolutions

Law of the court of justice of the European Union
Access to the recent sentences of the Justice Court and of the First Grade Tribunal

Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 09 ottobre 2019