
Europe Direct is a free information service available for all European citizens. The Europe Direct office works in partnership with Emilia-Romagna Region within the European network of official information centres - once Info Point Europe and Carrefour of rural animation - coordinated and co-funded by the European Commission - DG Communication. The partnership agreement between the Municipality of Bologna and Emilia-Romagna Region has integrated the European documentation centre and the European information centre of both local Institutions, and has opened two Europe Direct Information Desks that deal with information and counselling about different european topics. This complementary info points system combines the experience of the European Documentation Centre, located in the Regional Library, and the Info Point Europe of the Municiality of Bologna (co-funded by the European Commission in the period 1997-2005).  The reopening of a european information desk by the Municipality of Bologna completes the administration strategy regarding the issues of Europe and the new dimension of common rights and obligations.