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afriche e orienti - the books

Ori d’Africa: terra, acqua, risorse minerarie ed energetiche
(The “golds” of Africa: land, water, mineral and energy resources)

a cura di / edited by Germana Chiusano and Egidio Dansero

Aiep Editore, Repubblica di San Marino, 2010
(Book in Italian)

Ilha de Mocambique

The Resources of Africa: Black Gold, White Gold, Blue Gold, Green Gold
Germana Chiusano, Egidio Dansero

States Looking for an History
Gian Paolo Calchi Novati

China: An Opportunity or a Threat for African Resources?
Antonio M. Morone

The Oil Rush in Africa: Old and New Actors Between the Local and the Global
Cristina Scarpocchi

From the Iron Age to "Blood Diamonds". A Political and Historical Framework of Mineral Resources in sub-Saharan Africa
Cristiano Lanzano

Privatization of Water Resources and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa. An Analysis in the Light of the Elements of Continuity and Discontinuity
Nadia Tecco

African Lands, Past and Present
Andrea Giordano

No Man's Lands: The Construction of "Non-Territories"
Alberto Salza