



CHEBEC – Hacking the Mediterranean economy through the Creative and Cultural Sector

Chebec is a project coordinated by ASTER and co-financed by the Interred MED Programme, aiming at  implementing internationalization services for enterprises and professionals in the field of culture and creativity.
The project stems from the cooperation between ASTER, the Consortium for innovation and technology transfer of Emilia-Romagna, and the Municipality of Bologna about the creative industries – cooperation that has taken shapoe through the years mostly thanks to INCREDIBOL!, the city project that has gradually gained more and more interest at regional level. The main objective is indeed to support and strengthen cultural and creative enterprises, through processes that promote internationalization projects  in line with national and reginal clusters, with special reference to the activities by CCI Clust-ER.
Starting from tools that have already been analysed by the partnership during past experiences, Chebec  mainly consists in the implementation of the most effective tools to support the sustainability of cultural and creative industries on the market, as well as their ability to have access to international contexts.
Enterprises, research centers and regional institutions will become beneficiaries of the project outcomes, such as the implementation of policies, tools and recommendations aimed at promoting the use of efficient tools for the development of culture and creativity. 

Funding Programme:  Interreg MED
Start: February 2018
End: October 2020

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Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 18 gennaio 2022