


RE-ALLOCATE - Rethinking the dEsign of streets And pubLic spaces to Leverage the mOdal shift to Climate-friendly Active Transport Everywhere

Aim of the project RE-ALLOCATE, funded by the HORIZON EUROPE programme in which Bologna is a partner, is to create the conditions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, for safe and inclusive cities. This will be done through the experimentation of integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions, capable of fulfilling the needs of different groups and communities, with an eye to the most fragile sections, while rebalancing the allocation of road spaces.

In particular, Bologna experimentation will focus on the shared re-design of cycle-pedestrian green corridors in the north-west area of ​​the city, equipped with new generation urban infrastructures that can help fight pollution and, at the meantime, make the active transport modal experience more pleasant (in a greener context, therefore cooler in the hot months), safer and more accessible, for everyone.

38 partners are participating in the project (including, 10 European cities as well as research centers, international networks and experts in technology and specialized consultancy); in addition to Bologna, pilot experiences will also be implemented in 10 other European cities.

duration: 48 months

start: May 2023

end: April 2027

European Funding Programme: Horizon Europe of European Commission

Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 20 novembre 2023