

UNESCO Creative Cities: online the website of the Music subnetwork

About two weeks ago the UNESCO Creative Cities of Music launched their dedicated website: a brand new platform uniting diversities and pluralities of the Music cluster, as part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.
The website, made available thanks to the City of Hannover, includes a presentation of every single Music city and illustrates the key projects developed within the subnetwork.
At the moment not all the 19 Music Cities are present in the website, but it's going to be completed in the next few months.
Being part of the UNESCO Creative Cities of Music allows Bologna to foster the growth of local music production, through the confrontation with other cities, as well as to develop international exchanges and promote the widest access to the music expression and to the most innovative cultural events. This website is a further opportunity to promote and enhance the whole music system from Bologna.


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 22 maggio 2017