“Welcome Chinese”: Bologna first Italian city to be certified

On March 10th, Mayor Virginio Merola had welcomed Mr. Li Ruiyu, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Italy, in the Red Hall of Bologna Town Hall, and the two had signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) to start a three-year partnership between the City of Bologna and China for the development of Chinese tourism in Bologna's city and metropolitan area. The signature ceremony was held at the presence of Mrs. Dorina Bianchi, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, representing the Italian government.
The MoU was then ratified a few days ago, in Bejing, where Bologna Deputy Mayor Mr. Matteo Lepore, in charge for Economic Development and City Promotion and for International Relations, and he President of China Tourism Academy, Mr. Dai Bin, have countersigned the document, thereby making Bologna the first “Welcome Chinese Destination” city in Italy.
Through this partnership, investors and tourists from China will be able to discover the excellences of Bologna's territory. As a matter of fact, this important certification is acknowledged by the Chinese government and allows the certified operators to be a direct reference for the Chinese market.

Welcome Chinese


Ultimo aggiornamento: lunedì 03 aprile 2017