

Salus W Space: urban innovation and generative welfare

After the announcement, last October, Bologna launched on January 31st 2017 the urban project that allowed the city to be one of the first beneficiaries of the UIA initiative, with a large co-funding by the European commission.
S.A.L.U.S. "W SPACE", this is name of the project, is a great social innovative action that will lead to the regeneration of Villa Salus, a former patrician villa that was turned into large hospital in the 50's and has been now abandoned for many years. W stands for Welcome, Welfare e Wellbeing: the aim is to foster the social, cultural and economic inclusion of migrants integrating different services in a new refurbished centre and allowing migrants to acquire new skills and build micro-enterprises for community services in the neighbourhood, with the direct involvement of different stakeholders and citizens.
The project will be implemented throughout a period of 3 years and is coordinated by the Centre for Social Inclusion Don Paolo Serra Zanetti, of the Municipality of Bologna.
The partnership involves 17 stakeholders, including ASP City of Bologna (Public Company for Services to the Person) and IRS (Institute for Social Research), for a total budget of 6 Million 250 thousand Euros, of which 5 Million Euros will be co-funded by the European Commission.

UIA Initiative

UIA Initiative - Bologna


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 08 febbraio 2017